Friday, June 26, 2009

Too Many Things To Spend Time On - -

Between FaceBook, MySpace, Twitter, 2 personal emails and 2 business email accts and trying to make a living, there just isn't time for everything. GO out on a job, shop for the materials to do it, haul it, do the job, go home, fix supper, spend some time on the puter or watch TV, go to bed, get up and SSDD. Life was sure a lot simpler and we had a lot more 'spare' time before we had all these things to help us be 'organized and in touch'. I'd go back to the technology level of the 1950s & 60s w/o a minutes hesitation.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Tumbled Glass

After walking 4 miles (one way) to look for 'sea glass', 'Mermaid Tears'. or whatever you want to call it, we got a rock tumbler. Now we can make our own for what projects we want it for. Lot easier on the body - -