Sunday, November 29, 2009

Ron L Hubbard's Monster

I remember reading, years ago, before Scientology well known outside of SciFi circles, that Ron Hubbard had made a bet with another SciFi author at a writer's convention, that he could start his own religion. I guess he won the bet - - And what a monster he created.,9171,972865,00.html
How did my life get so totally screwed up?? I'm 63 years old, Living 2400 miles away from any of my family or anyone I really care about, basically bankrupt, can't afford health or dental care, and
married. Never before in my life have I been in such a state of depression that I barely function. I do what has to be done & waste most of my time. There is so much that should and needs to be done, but I just can't make myself do it.

Friday, November 20, 2009

Racked most of my home-made wine night before last and learned a lesson - - - DON'T use 'fresh' tap water to top-off after racking. The Fluoride etc can kill the fermentation. I managed to save mine by leaving the air-locks off overnight to allow the bad stuff to dissipate while I was allowing new yeast to get started in warm, sugar water. After adding the new yeast to the wine, hey all started up again. I was sure worried for awhile that I had ruined about 10 gal of wine. Won't do that again.

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Summer is done - - We've had below freezing temps the last two nights. Only a little over a month til the new year and we can start all over again.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Bottle of Wine - - fruit of the ???

Have been making wine the last two months - - (not the only thing I've been doing) - - Have done 5 gallons of Blackberry, 3 gallons of Grape, 3 gallons of Rose Petal and 11 gallons of Plum. I plan to make some more Rose Petal if our roses keep blooming.

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Two Weeks

My poor wife has been going through a bout with kidney stones for the past two weeks, several days of that in the hospital. Due to a stone lodging in the tube between the kidney and bladder, causing a kidney infection, she had to have a stent put in to drain the kidney and go on antibiotics to take care of the infection. That took up two days and then had to go back to hospital several days later to get the stone 'blasted' & the stent removed. The past several days, she has been in misery as she expells the pieces of the 'blasted' stone.

Friday, June 26, 2009

Too Many Things To Spend Time On - -

Between FaceBook, MySpace, Twitter, 2 personal emails and 2 business email accts and trying to make a living, there just isn't time for everything. GO out on a job, shop for the materials to do it, haul it, do the job, go home, fix supper, spend some time on the puter or watch TV, go to bed, get up and SSDD. Life was sure a lot simpler and we had a lot more 'spare' time before we had all these things to help us be 'organized and in touch'. I'd go back to the technology level of the 1950s & 60s w/o a minutes hesitation.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Tumbled Glass

After walking 4 miles (one way) to look for 'sea glass', 'Mermaid Tears'. or whatever you want to call it, we got a rock tumbler. Now we can make our own for what projects we want it for. Lot easier on the body - -

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Busy Olmon

Facebook keeps me too busy to come here very often - -That & work - - Surprise! ! I actually do work !! Sometimes. I Twitter a bit, too. We had so much more time (Or fewer things to use it up) back in the pre-80's era. I sit in front of this boob-tube replacement and 'magically' , 3 hrs are gone within 20 minutes.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Day one

About time for me to start dealing with newer technology. I got into computers way back when DOS was your only choice on a PC and got comfortable with it (I still don't like windows, but I guess I am 'comfortable' with it finally), but I have just gone too many different directions to keep up with all the stuff, and have a long ways to go to catch up to where I was in practical technical knowledge, comparatively speaking, back in the 80's.